A Complete Guide To Hire An App Developer In 2021

A Complete Guide To Hire An App Developer In 2021

It is an unarguable fact that mobile apps are the future. Well, they have been in the past and continue to be in the present. Therefore, if you wish to invest in mobile application development and hire Android dedicated developer, then the time is now.

According to the present statics, the mobile apps altogether have generated revenues of more than $365 billion in 2018, which is only going to increase up to $ 935 billion approaching the year 2023.

So, don’t even think twice to bring your idea into reality and get it developed with a talented and dedicated application developer.

But before you give your dream project to any random hands, just remember the disastrous launch of Apple’s MobileMe App. Well, if a self-made man could suffer like that- we all have a long way to go.

Therefore, play safe and find an accomplished app developer to trust your ideas and expectations with. And if you still feel clouded, here is a comprehensive guide to help you.

Find an accomplished and decorated developer

So that you don’t hit rock bottom, start with basics and follow your instinct. Well, take it as a warning that hiring a dedicated developer is an overwhelming task and you cannot act weak at any point in time.

You will have to stay prepared with the blueprint of your app so that you can screen developers on its behalf. Moreover, you will also have to stay clear of the fact that whether you want to hire an agency or a developer on a freelance basis. All these factors are going to add a lot of differences in how your idea is coded in a synchronized and glitch-free app.

5 tips to follow while hiring a dedicated developer

1. Research thoroughly

Before dealing with a random person from the industry, consult with every prospect and get a clear idea about existing average rates, preferred languages, and other basics. It would be best if you also had a clear idea of what you are dealing with. The right investment in apt technology will only help you grow further with any setback.

2. Keep experience as the epitome of eligibility

Experience speaks a lot about a professional. A highly experienced person who has worked with multiple technologies and developed a variety of apps is a treasure. Finding such a gem has never been an easy task, along with retaining them for a considerable amount of time.

3. Analyze their communication skills and consistency

Apart from looking for experience and desired skill set, you must also look for communication standards and consistency. Some developers communicate extensively during the starting phase, but their spark phases out when they reach half of the development. They become inconsistent and make their clients suffer more than normal.

4. Ask them to prove their expertise par the set criteria

The developer you hire should know to read your mind and expectations. He/she should be flexible enough to grasp the zest of your application and trace your idea to develop the desired application.

But he/she can only do the same if they have proven their expertise per the criteria you have set. Therefore, you should prepare a checklist of skills you require in your developer and attach one with every developer’s resume whom you have contacted.

5. Interview thoroughly and ask all mandatory questions

Last but not least, interview them thoroughly and ask the necessary questions like time, cost involved, any hidden charges, milestone completion, payment procedure, etc. It would be best to ask for reviews, referrals, degree of industry exposure, programming tools use him/her, etc.

It would be helpful if you have taken a paper record of such inputs duly signed by the developer.

Major challenges you can face while finding a dedicated developer

Challenges are an integral part of various success stories. Therefore, don’t ever be afraid of challenges and slay them as you have never before. The possible challenges which you could face while hiring a dedicated developer are;

1. Budget constraints

Finalizing the budget for a skilled and expert developer could be a tricky task. Lowering the budget will make you hire an inexperienced and cheap quality developer, which you may end up regretting later. On the other hand, allocating much more budget than what you have set aside for a dedicated developer could harm your pocket and plans.

2. Exaggeration of skills and expertise

Many agencies exaggerate their expertise to grab the project but later are found outsourcing the project due to time insufficiency or absence of a team. Well, you should not fall prey to such scenarios and act smart all the time.

3. Spending more to hire in-house developers

Hiring an in-house developer helps you keep control over the development and quality; however it costs you more than what was needed. As a start-up, you can refrain from having an in-house team and save over multiple expenditures like setting up a dedicated workspace, leasing internet connectivity, managing other office chores, etc.

A few questions to ask while hiring a dedicated developer

  • Do you have a list of apps published previously before this?
  • What programming languages do you work have experience working with?
  • Do you use any specific tool provided by Apple?
  • Can you suggest ways for improving the application and its security?
  • Do you have any experience with the edge-case scenario?
  • Which prominent platforms do you work mostly?

A few mistakes to be avoided at all costs

  • Don’t hire a busy developer
  • Don’t hire a developer without looking at his/her portfolio
  • Don’t overlook the need for niche expertise
  • Don’t value money over experience

Final Put

Hiring a dedicated developer is a challenging and time-consuming task by all means. Therefore, you should not let your enthusiasm go down due to the slightest discomfort and failure. Moreover, perform due diligence and stay well-informed with the latest changes in the application development industry. With the tips mentioned above, you will hire a dedicated application developer after all.


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